A photo of an American Flag, a painted watermelon slice, and an Israeli Flag

Good vs. Bad ➡️ Good For vs. Bad For

Published July 9, 2024, Page Last Modified October 21, 2024

In real-life situations, things are usually not only good or only bad. Often, they are ‘good for Person A’ and ‘bad for Person B’ or ‘good for Person A’ and ‘bad for Group C’ or ‘good for People A-Z’ and ‘bad for Population M’. Or ‘good for Person A’ and ‘better for Person C’. Or ‘good for upholding principle X’ and ‘bad for upholding principle Y’.

Oct 21, 2024: Israel has most certainly been almost totally domicidal (wreckless-wreckful?) in its ‘attempt to rescue the hostages’ and ‘destroy hamas’. And this post from Bisan made me believe that Israel is committing a genocide in front of everyone’s eyes too. But others claim that this is not what Bisan calls a death queue at all and that Bisan is lying. I am so far physically from this situation but somehow I keep getting drawn back to this ‘genocide’/‘war’. And I just want it be resolved. I guess it’s time for me to grow up another day and realize that my writing does little to change anything.


Zuckerman, Andrew, "Good vs. Bad ➡️ Good For vs. Bad For", July 9, 2024, http://andzuck.com/blog/good4bad4/


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